In a speed of light movement his blade made a slashing sound through the cold breeze as it cut off another head. Even before this poor soldier realized he is headless, the next lightning fast movement slashed open another soldier’s chest. Soldiers eager to end this warrior’s existence. Soldiers eager to have a date with Death. The old sword was well worn but still extremely deadly when guided by this warrior, who perfected the ability of speed, timing and the art of not wasting a good move.
Wise warriors should fear this one. Fear is more friendly than Death.

Filo became so blinded he could barely see the difference between friend and foe, attacking his own kind. Even his brothers in arms watched their good friend turn to an endless quest for blood.

Meanwhile the girl in black is fighting the hardest battle of them all. Focused and determined she uses all her strength fighting the demon, while at the same time she struggles to reach Filo’s heart. To give him a message. Reach his emotions.
But the demon is strong.
Too strong.

She focus all her energy leaping forward and attacks her warrior while screaming her heart out in sorrow.

Determined she targets her blade and strikes right through the warrior’s chest.
A moment of silence followed while she looked him in the eyes, seing a glimpse of his soul.
The evil power of the demon then recoiled like a lightning ball through her sword, leaving both the mystery girl and the Keysiano struck on the ground deeply wounded.

His wounded body and mind was exhausted after this evil enlightment and he felt that the world was to beautiful to waste on blood and destruction.
As he listened to his heart he was guided to choose love, peace and balance in life.

The warrior and his warrior queen lived easy nourishing the happy life of love, balance and peace. They were happy for a while not worrying about the aftermath which was about to rise.
Like all fairytales this should be the happy ending where love conquers all and they both lived happily ever after. Unfortunately this is no fairytale. A devil so powerful still lurks angry in the darkness of afterlife. Even though Filo had made a promise never to let evil back inside, he forgot to search within himself to make sure there were no evil left behind.

Filo eventually went back into battle again. Not a war, cause he knew he still needed more healing and he realized he didn’t have passion for war anymore. He was extremely good at it, but his passion layed elsewhere. Small battle assignments as a mercenary just to make a living, he thought, until his farmer life days could start together with the love of his life.

He should be listening!
For once more he was chosen the way of blood.

Filo accepted more and more assignments not too worried about his life or his love, focused mostly on the prize to come. You see, life is tricky this way and some things has it’s own will. And this time the devil didn’t reveal himself so easily.
The sweet prize he thought he was gaining instead turned into a bitter price to pay!

Slowly Filo’s vision, mind and heart became foggy. The Keysiano never knew. The warrior queen could senze it, barely, and yet again she suspected the presence of the well hidden evil.

The Keysiano was troubled when spending time with his love instead of fighting and the evil inside of him became more and more present as the dramas of war haunted him. She, on the other hand, had in secret given him all the tools needed to get rid of the evil himself, but the devil blinded him too heavily blocking his ability to reach into his soul. Only a few times could he senze that something was off, but the devil was to anonymous for him to recognise.

He fought countless battles and won them all. He visualized his actions as a token of deep love and passion for his queen. For their future life.
Meanwhile the devil in him grew even stronger.

She needed to take action once more.

The mystery girl ripped out the devil and eliminated it using the strong love in her heart. It nearly killed her kind and gentle soul touching this fog of evil.

All for him to be discovered as soon as evil no longer was present in his life.

She’d been working day and night planting seeds of love, watering them and watching them grow in his soul to make him whole again. To make him feel safe, loved and pleased in this world.
In that moment she revealed herself to him – as the goddess of love. Nothing less.

Far away from her warrior.

The great sacrifice of love she did to make him see clearly in this truly beautiful world, nearly destroyed her.
She was the saviour of his lost soul.
Filo wanted to use his powers to heal her beautiful soul. But it was too late. She was already long gone.

And now he forever will be chained to the love and passion for this goddess of love.
Sadly, love was the one battle the warrior could not win.
Cause love shouldn’t be a battle.
It should just be…